Miss Michele attended a tarot reader herself on December 30. The reading, for the most part, was on the money. She said, however, that my Chakras are unbalanced. I did a bit of reading on the subject and still find it about as clear as pea soup.
But I came across a Chakra reading in Power Tarot the other day, so I decided to see if that would offer some insight into *which* Chakras were unbalanced.
For sure.
The Root Chakra, which represents my energy level and sense of self-preservation is represented by the Fool. This manifested itself today in business negotiations. I am so unsure of myself, so ungrounded, that I continually sell myself short in business dealings. I have energy. This was not the case last week, or at the time of the reading, so I wonder what the cards may have said then? Anyway, my energy is often misdirected and scattered. I have so much work in this area!
The Spleen Chakra, representing sexuality and nurturing, came up as the Five of Swords. Quite curious. There are many, many cards I would consciously select to represent my sexuality. Not this one. But it makes sense. I have a certain rivalry going on and it needs to end. It gets to be about what I want and what is best for me and when I release this negative energy, things will get even better than I could have imagined!
The Solar Plexus chakra, the ego and how I use my energies, along with digestive functions, show no problems at all. The Eight of Pentacles, the work card, shows exactly where I’m directing my energy right now, and, in a lot of ways, “freelance writer” is my identity, my ego, if you will.
The Heart Chakra, too, is functioning properly. The Ace of Cups shows my open, welcoming, nurturing heart. It also shows how many new friends I’ve met recently, and I’ve opened my heart to them without issue. But that’s me.
Throat chakra represents communication, a key for me… The Six of Swords here is not a surprise… because my writer’s block is over and communications issues *are* going well at the moment, however, the shadow of what I went through in regard to writing–and people listening to me–is still lurking in the background. I had huge communications issues in the past, but that influence is passing out of my life now.
The Four of Wands represents my Third-Eye Chakra, my intuition. In this case, I am enjoying success based on my intuition–the growth of Miss Michele’s Tarot Readings. Could also represent a possible partnership related to psychic ability in the near future.
Finally, the Crown Chakra is represented by the Three of Wands– the universe has me set up for a new opportunity that will involve cooperation with others. Several projects come to mind. This card tells me I work better as part of a team, albeit, not a *large* team. I am good in writer/editor relationships, whichever side I’m on. There are THREE partners involved in my business…this is a good number for me.
So all in all, the cards are telling me that I need to stop competing to in areas of sensuality and sexuality, and that I am ungrounded at the moment. There could also be an imbalance because I am investing so much of who I am into my work as a freelance writer/editor.
What to do? I’ll focus on improving these areas, and do another Chakra reading in a month to evaluate my progress.
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